
Tips for Safely Handling Wildlife Encounters: When to Call Wildlife Control

Encountering wildlife can be an exciting experience, but it's essential to prioritize safety for both yourself and the animals involved. Knowing when to handle a situation on your own and when to call for professional help can make all the difference. In this blog post, we will provide you with valuable tips for safely handling wildlife encounters and guide you on when it's appropriate to call animal control services.

Keep Your Distance

The golden rule when encountering wildlife is to maintain a safe distance. Respect their space and avoid approaching or attempting to touch them. Wild animals are not accustomed to human interaction, and getting too close can trigger defensive or aggressive behavior. Use binoculars or a camera with a good zoom lens to observe animals from a distance, allowing you to enjoy their beauty without causing any distress.

Do Not Feed the Wildlife

Feeding wildlife can create a dependency on humans for food and may lead to aggressive behavior or territorial disputes among animals. Additionally, some human foods can be harmful to animals. A balanced natural diet is essential for their well-being, so refrain from offering any snacks, no matter how tempting it may be.

Secure Trash and Food

Ensure that your trash cans have secure lids and avoid leaving food or pet bowls outside overnight. Wildlife can be attracted to easily accessible food sources, which can lead to unwanted encounters. By securing your garbage and food, you minimize the risk of attracting animals to your property.

Keep Pets Leashed

If you're out hiking or walking your pets in an area known for wildlife, always keep them on a leash. Even well-trained dogs can become unpredictable in the presence of wild animals, potentially leading to dangerous situations for both your pet and the wildlife.

Recognize Signs of Distress

If you spot a wild animal behaving erratically, showing signs of injury, or appearing sick, keep your distance and resist the urge to intervene. Sick or injured animals can become more unpredictable and may pose a higher risk to human safety. Instead, contact your local animal control or wildlife rehabilitation center for guidance on how to proceed.

Learn About Local Wildlife

Educate yourself about the wildlife species native to your area. Understanding their behaviors, habitats, and seasonal patterns can help you anticipate potential encounters and take appropriate precautions.

Secure Your Property

To avoid wildlife seeking shelter in or around your home, inspect your property for potential entry points such as holes, cracks, or gaps in fences. Seal these openings to prevent animals from taking up residence in undesirable areas.

Avoid Handling Wildlife Yourself

No matter how adorable or seemingly harmless an animal may appear, it is crucial to resist the temptation to handle it yourself. Even seemingly docile creatures can bite or scratch when they feel threatened or cornered. Instead, contact a local wildlife professional or animal control agency to handle the situation safely and humanely.

When to Call Wildlife Control

Calling animal control is appropriate in various situations, including:

  • When you encounter a wild animal that appears injured, sick, or in distress.
  • If you encounter a potentially dangerous animal, such as a venomous snake or a rabid animal.
  • When an animal has entered your home and refuses to leave.
  • If you spot an animal that poses a threat to public safety, like a large predator near a residential area or a busy road.

Encountering wildlife can be thrilling, but it's crucial to prioritize safety and act responsibly. By following the tips provided in this blog post, you can handle wildlife encounters with confidence and make informed decisions on when to call animal control services. Remember, at DixieLand Critter Gitter LLC, we are here to assist you whenever professional intervention is necessary. Don't hesitate to reach out to us for expert assistance in safely resolving wildlife encounters.